Whatever the issue – We’re passionate about helping you.

Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness (thinking) that created it.”  Put simply, change your thoughts and you will change the outcome.

There’s a common misconception, that counselling is only for those who experience extreme circumstances. However, counselling can successfully address a whole range of issues, and by addressing those issues sooner rather than later, it will save much grief and stress and get you back on track before you hit a brick wall.  Instead of wasting your energy stressing, why not use that energy to find a solution?

From time to time, everyone needs to take counsel, whether by simply having a chat, or seeking advice, or just off loading a concern to a close family member. Sometimes, we need to take the specialist counsel and advice of a doctor, lawyer, builder or some other expert.

The fact is, there’s not a single person who hasn’t needed sage advice, or simply the ear of a willing listener, to help them process some niggling question about their own life’s journey.

However, sometimes we find ourselves unable to understand and process matters in a positive and helpful way, resulting in confusion, unhelpful negative self-talk and behaviour i.e.  I’m not good enough, – I’ll never be successful, – Why does this always happen to me?– Nothing’s going to change etc.

In such cases it’s easy to feel unsettled, out of our depth, overwhelmed and stuck in time, without any conscious awareness of the underlying issue and wondering what to do next, When we lose sight of our goals, we can easily become consumed by negative feelings.

Or maybe circumstances have drawn us into a mundane and emotionless life, resulting in feelings of being trapped and hopeless.

Just as success breeds success, so negative thoughts attract negative events which can rapidly leave us floundering.  However, just a few minor changes to our thinking can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. A wise man sees no shame in seeking advice and counsel when they need to.

Fortunately, at a subconscious level we already have the answers to our own problems, although sometimes a little guidance is needed to kick start the unconscious mind into revealing the solution.

Whatever the reason, at Smart Thinking we understand such issues and by working together, we can help get you back on track.

Whilst you may be a little nervous in seeking counselling, we are fully committed to making your experience as easy and stress free as possible in complete privacy and confidentiality.

With a choice of either a male, or female practitioner, our counsellors are highly skilled, insightful and committed to providing exceptional therapeutic support in strict confidence and without judgement.

Take back control of your life by giving us a call today.

Your success is our success!

Call us now on 0467 961 919 without any obligation to commit